Leaving tomorrow, I was graced with the perfect arrival of 할머니's youngest sister. She had just came back from her mission trip to Albania with her pastor husband. I vaguely remember meeting her once in California, but I would consider the encounter new. I could tell that she was related to 할머니, more based on her style of liveliness than her appearance.
Though my first time meeting her as an adult, I felt indebted to her. 이모 explained that since 할머니 and 할아버지 were busy teaching at school, 이모 할머니 took care of 이모 and my mother the most. The fact that she partly raised 엄마 means there is undoubtedly traits of her inside of my upbringing and ultimately myself.
The visit was short, but resonated in the way that meeting family spurs thoughts about the past and present. 이모 할머니 talked about her oldest sister's (my 할머니), my mom's, and 이모's little personality traits when they were all younger. No way to look back at how they were decades ago, but I immediately could recognize what quirks 이모 할머니 pointed out. It's interesting and comforting meeting new family that share experiences and stories that add new facets to my understanding of people I know.나은 brought me to one of the largest concentration of cherry blossoms in Seoul at 영등포 여의도. The trees were dazzling white and it was amazing to think that all the trees had no signs that they were to bloom a few days before.
나은, 동호 and spent our last night out joking around over honey 막걸리. We thought about our couple months together, when we could see each other again, and wondered how we would all be in different positions when we do.
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