Saturday, January 25, 2014

Grocery Nuances

Simply put, a lazy day today. We went out for dinner and had 설렁탕. Another interesting thing I realized is that Koreans have no problems with everyone ordering the same exact item. American restaurants offer so many choices so you just don't see the same dish at one table very often. 
 We went to GS supermarket. When they told me it was a supermarket, I was expecting a Costco sized behemoth... but it ended up just being a relatively small store. During our shopping, one of the employees went on the loudspeakers to start advertising items within the stores for about 7 minutes. I alone thought it was interesting as everyone else knows of this common practice of instore advertising and went about their shopping. I've uploaded a video of the loudspeaker advertising
I thought this was innovative. There is just the cart frame with no basket. A shopper places one or two of the baskets into the cart frame depending on how much they will buy. When they are not in use they barely take up room compared with the conventional American shopping cart. The cart frames are pushed together and the baskets are stacked. The carts are small in general and allows for easy navigation throughout the small store. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your adventures, looking forward to more blogs!
